Title: Odessa
Label: ATCO
Catalog: SD 2-702
Year: 1969
Genre: pop
Cover Design: unknown
Cover photo: unknown
Grade: **** stars
The Bee Gees at their most over-the-top, 1969's "Odessa" is one of those albums that you'll love, or hate with a passion. Personally I'm a fan of their attempts to get deep and heavy. Add to that, it was a double album concept piece - the title track's plot line apparently having something to do with the story of a disappearing ship. Elsewhere there were all sorts of oddball detours, including a nod to Thomas Edison ("Edison")..
Anyhow, the reason this one makes the list has to do with the cover. ATCO marketing must have a fit when the Gibbs decided they wanted to package this collection in a red, pseudo-velvet cover with gold imprints. Yeah, it made for an impressive package. Reissues did away with the velvet material.
Anyhow, the reason this one makes the list has to do with the cover. ATCO marketing must have a fit when the Gibbs decided they wanted to package this collection in a red, pseudo-velvet cover with gold imprints. Yeah, it made for an impressive package. Reissues did away with the velvet material.
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