Title: Reggae Splashdown
Label: Dynamic
Catalog: WSY 3322
Year: 1971
Cover Design: Roberts Design Group Ltd
Cover photo: IPS - Apollo 12 Splash Down
Grade: **** star
Lee's kind of the James Last version of the reggae world. In that role he's recorded dozens of album (most sporting cheesecake, pin-up covers), featuring reggae-fied version of popular pop, rock and soul songs. For goodness sakes, this album has a reggae cover of a Jackson Five song, as well as George Harrson's 'My Sweet Lord'. The guy's certainly not without talent, but his sound has always struck me as more Holiday Inn, than Bob Marley.
Regardless of the merits of this album, I'm kind of a space nut, so the polarized colored cover of the Apollo 12 splashdown was kind of cool.
Regardless of the merits of this album, I'm kind of a space nut, so the polarized colored cover of the Apollo 12 splashdown was kind of cool.
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