Title: Les Hou-Lops
Catalog: CJ-33-110
Year: 1967
Genre: garage
Concept: not listed
Cover art: not listed
Grade: * star
If I were employed in the design arena, I would use this cover as an example of everything done wrong.
Black, white, and gray with a design that looked like it was ripped off some dive bar bathroom's wallpaper ... Seriously, could you come up with a design that was less impressive? Well, at least the band's name was prominently displayed (though they may have wished that wasn't the case given how crappy the cover was).
Black, white, and gray with a design that looked like it was ripped off some dive bar bathroom's wallpaper ... Seriously, could you come up with a design that was less impressive? Well, at least the band's name was prominently displayed (though they may have wished that wasn't the case given how crappy the cover was).
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